Good batteries.
Good batteries.
attention apostates!
i'm sick, and i'm bored!!!
that means fun for all of us!.
attention apostates!
i'm sick, and i'm bored!!!
that means fun for all of us!.
attention apostates!
i'm sick, and i'm bored!!!
that means fun for all of us!.
i thought the photography was awesome and enjoyed the story.
i loved the books when i was younger and i'm glad they finally made it into a movie.
What's this movie, The Lying Bitch and her Wardrobe? I don't remember seeing that one.
I did see the Narnia movie though. The best part was listening to the two little 8 year old girls seated behind me. One was taking her friend to see it. Clearly the one girl hadn't read the books. The one who had, kept telling her friend "not to worry, it will make sense later." Their conversation was so innocent and honest It made me laugh. "Don't be afraid, something really bad is coming!" she told her friend. I was petrified by her warnings and instructed by her narration! It made the whole thing worthwhile.
i'm sitting up north in a snow bank and freezing.
if everyone on this board would just send me $1, it would not break any of you, and then i could go to florida and thaw out.
i promise not to visit any kingdom halls while i'm down there.
Hey! Send me only $500.00 dollars each and I'll take a trip to the Bahamas. C'mon, it wont hurt... Tis the season!
we all know that our friend quotes is under attack from the wt -- for doing just that, quoting their literature.
are there any jw sites (jw members in good standing) that provide wt quotations of any kind?
if so, why are these "copy write" infringers being ignored by wt?.
One old guy I spoke with in service said that back then they used to joke that "Millions would rather die than listen to Rutherford speak!"
in line with ritchie rich's thread where abad points out that the wts has an ongoing editing policy for the littermanure.. they have heavily edited the bound volumes as opposed to the original ragazines.
they even got rid of kingdumb melodies from the song book, because their composer turned away.
ditto the aid book.. has anyone noticed if they remove people from old photos who are no longer approved?
She'd bring me outta heaven pronto!
i remember knocking on a door in the field service, and the girl who answered the door, looked at me and said in french, "allez vous faire crosser" .
although i didn't laugh, i found it very funny.
the brother with me also had a smile on his face, but didn't say a word, as we walked back to the car.
g e t to t h e p o i n t
Me: We're here, blah blah blah.
Househoulder: (interrupting matter of factly and somewhat rudely) Ok, so what's the bottom line?
Me: Well, we're warning about a coming destruction that is survivable.
Householder: Consider me warned. (SLAM!)
Damned funny exchange it was...
a n o t h e r:
Pretty Japanese sister and I apporach a man in his seventies working on his riding lawn mower in the front yard on nice day.
Me: Good morning, my friend and I are........
Householder: (Interrupting in anger. Have you ever been shot at for defending your country?)
Me: I have been shot at for what I believe in. (another story for another day)
Householder: (Now standing and angry) You better be glad I fought for my country or we'd all look like her!
Me: I think she's pretty good looking, but we get your point, good day.
Guy was a racist jackass.
song 32.
10 min: local announcements.
selected announcements from our kingdom ministry.
10 min: Local pronouncements. Selected Pronouncements from Our Klingon Ministry. Use the exact words on page 8 (if obnoxious for your territory) to demonstrate how to push the December 15 Watchtower and the December 22 Awake! on people. Other revolting presentations may be used. After each demonstration, comment on how easily a scripture can be excluded from the presentation.
15 min: "A School That Helps Us Fake Practical Application." Endless talk by the school overseer. Include contrivances from the October 2005 Our Klingon Ministry insert.
20 min: "Education That Leads to Wasting Our Life" * Arrange in advance for one or two to comment on how they have wasted years driving around in their four door Chevy because they were going door to door as a result of divine education.
Song 101 Showing Consternation for the Flock of God and concluding prayer.
*Limit introductory comments to less than a month-of-Sundays, and follow with a question-and-answer diversion.